Category of themes:
Support initial and continuous training of teachers, trainers and education and training
institutions’ managers
Why ?
Improving quality and efficiency of education and training remains a strategic objective for
European cooperation in education and training and important for the Romanian education
and training system.
The Teacher Training Centre of Bucharest stressed the importance of improving governance
and leadership in education and training institutions and effective quality assurance systems,
and has developed various intitiatives.
During the visit we will share our experience and promote good results of an EU-funded
project for improving quality of school management and leadership.
What ?
Participants will learn about:
• new approaches to school inspection and external evaluation;
• how self-evaluation can improve quality of education;
• methods and tools used in quality assurance training for head teachers and inspectors;
• role of leaders and stakeholders in improving quality of school inspection.
How ?
Participants will:
• visit adult education centres, secondary schools, schools inspectorate;
• observe school inspectors and head teachers during a school inspection;
• meet partners and stakeholders interested in quality assurance of schools.
Whom ?
• Directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers,
• educational and vocational training inspectors,
• head teachers, teacher trainers,
• heads of departments,
• representatives of education and training networks and associations.
Short descrip tion in the host coun try’s language:
Vizita îşi propune să evidenţieze practicile naţionale în domeniul asigurării calităţii în
educaţie şi să disemineze rezultatele proiectului POS-DRU”- Calitate în managementul
unităţii şcolare” finanţat din fonduri europene. Participanţii la vizită vor cunoaşte preocupările
comune ale partenerilor proiectului pentru îmbunătăţirea managementului scolar, pentru
armonizarea abordărilor privind standardelor de calitate, între reprezentanţii inspectoratelor
şcolare, pe de o parte şi managerii şcolari, pe de cealaltă parte. Vor fi efectuate vizite la
Inspectoratul Şcolar Bucureşti, Inspectoratul Şcolar Prahova, Agenţia Română de Asigurare
a Calităţii, Asociaţia SHOTRON, Casa Corpului Didactic Bucureşti, în care se vor prezenta
rolurile şi rezultatele obţinute prin implementarea proiectului.